Join us for our annual Bilingual Bingo Night! If you would like to attend, please RSVP below!
A huge THANK YOU to Blue Orthodontics for sponsoring this entire event!!
Madison Heights Bilingual Career Day is on Sept 27th! This event shows students how being bilingual can be helpful for careers. Check out Mr. Lee's most recent Heights Happenings for more info (Click Quick Links < Heights Happenings).
We need volunteers to give Spanish presentations. Sign up below!
Madison Heights is having an all day fundraiser at the Someburros Uptown Phoenix location off of 7th and Camelback on Thursday, September 12th. Just show this flier on your phone, or simply tell a member of the Someburros team that you are supporting Madison Heights Elementary, and we will receive credit.
FALL PICTURE DAY 9/16 & 9/17
It's time for our students to take their Fall photos! Fall Picture Day is scheduled for September 16th and 17th. This is one of two Picture Days that students will have during the school year. Students wear their school uniforms for Fall Picture Day.
Picture Day Dates:
Mon, Sep 16 (K-4)
Tue, Sep 17 (Pre-K)
You can order prints from Lifetouch ( When ordering photos, use the following information:
School Name: Madison Heights Elementary School
Picture Day ID: EVTQ7K76T
Join us for the September PTO meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th! PTO meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month. Family, friends and kids are all welcome. Childcare will be provided as well as pizza by the ever generous Ziggy's Magic Pizza Shop.
The PTO occasionally invites guest speakers to discuss topics that are relevant to our children and community, such as social media + kids, emotional wellness/regulation, gun safety, etc. We are in the process of arranging for a speaker to present at the September meeting. Details will be provided soon!
Can you believe Fall Break is next month? There will be no school on Friday, Oct 4th (Teacher Planning Day) and Oct 7th to 11th.
The Madison Heights' Dad's Club is hosting the annual Trunk or Treat on October 25, 2024! This fun- filled evening will have food trucks, music, and lots and lots of candy!! More details to come!